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Dry skin is a common skin ailment that often appears on the legs, arms, face, and hands. It can be due to cold temperatures, poor nutrition, genetics, age, or underlying conditions.

 The most common treatments for dry skin include taking cooler showers or baths, applying lotion, and using moisturizing soaps. If dry skin goes untreated, you could develop dermatitis, which is usually flaky, inflamed, and sometimes itchy skin patches.

For severely dry skin, doctors may recommend medications or topical antihistamines, among other remedies.

A dry skin problem can be uncomfortable and even maddening. Your skin might feel tight and painful; it might look dull or red or flaky.

Worst of all is the itchiness -- the sort of overwhelming itchiness that makes you feel like you're infested with fleas, that keeps you awake at night, miserably raking your skin with a back scratcher.

For many, dry skin is not a sign of a skin condition or disease, but is simply caused by harsh soaps, itchy clothing, misusing moisturizer, and long, hot showers. But the medications you take -- and even medical conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, hypothyroidism, and malnutrition -- can also cause severe dry skin.

Usually, something in the environment -- or something you're doing to your skin -- is stripping away these fatty oils, leaving your skin unprotected. Less often, the cause is internal; a health condition or genetic predisposition is making your skin dry out. 

If untreated, dry skin can sometimes lead to dermatitis -- inflammation of the skin. The good news is that just as most causes of dry skin are external, most cures for dry skin are external. With careful  skin care, you can usually solve the problem.

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